BA at Kyushu Institute of Design, Industrial design course (Fukuoka)
DENSO Design Center (Aichi)
Yamasaki Design Office (Milan, Founder)
Collaboration with Sebastian Bergne Ltd(Bologna)
Collaboration with Giovannoni Design(Milan)
ULTRA SI (Kanazawa)
Lecturer at Kanazawa Univ.
BA at Kanazawa college of art, Textile design course(Kanazawa)
Diploma at Bunka fashion college, Fashion design course(Tokyo)
Studio HIROKO MURAYAMA(Milan, Founder)
Collaboration with Isabella Tonchi(Milan)
Start "HIROKO MURAYAMA"(Total fashion brand, Milan)
Associate professor at Kanazawa college of art, Fashion design course(Kanazawa, 〜2021)
Associate professor at Kanazawa Institute of Technology( 〜Present)
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